Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Love makes people do stupid and sometimes crazy things. Sometimes love is scary. Look at the person falling in love. They can do anything for the person they love. You can laugh at how stupid and ridiculous they are; singing loud a love song, smile and laugh uncontrollably, writing long letters, giggling, spends 3 hours on the phone, phone bill increases drastically, saying all those sweet sayings, and other more. But when love hits you, you are the one doing these stuff, and maybe worse. You are willing to do anything for the person you love, and you don’t care when people are laughing at how stupid you are spending that much money.
But these things are proof and honor the one you love. You proof to the one you love that you love the person. These fools things that you did may convinced them that you really do love them. Also, may honor them when they find out that you are willing to look like a fool to let them know you love them. At the end, the truth is that no matter how people make fun of you, how foolish you look, when you’re in love, you going to feel better than anyone else in the world.

“When you are Loved, and when you love someone, you “live””

One of the examples of a FOOL is CHRIST. Christ was willing to be the FOOL. What made Him a FOOL? First, He loves people who hated Him. Secondly, He loves us; people who sinned and only want to love them. Thirdly, it is a foolish for Jesus to suffered and died on the cross, only to show how big His love to us. Jesus does not just love greatly, but He is the BESTEST example of what Love should be. His foolish Love conquered His death, and OUR death. How amazing His love is, that right now you could feel his unconditional love.

So what are we waiting for? It is our turn to love Jesus back even if it means we might look foolish. But to compare with Jesus, we owe Him our lives. So why can’t we love Him back? We must be willing to be Fool for Christ. Sometimes, we, as a teenager thinks serving in a church or being part of a youth group look foolish to other people around us. Even when we worship, sometimes we’re thinking that we look foolish, or sometimes we’re not fully giving our all to Him because we think that they might think we’re a fool. When we worship, we are giving back our life to Him, we want to show Jesus our love for Him too. How? Every word that we said, or sing, we try to understand so that we can sing with conviction. The main reason we are singing is to worship Him from our heart.

Everything we do to serve GOD, although we may look foolish to others, but definitely not to CHRIST. Don’t let others influence you just because they think you look like a fool, but prove to them that you are willing to do anything for the LORD.


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