In this blog, I would like to share my thoughts about Adam and Eve. As you guys know (or we should know) we are in a Christian school and Christianity teaches us that Adam and Eve are the first creations of God. Actually, in this blog I would like to see that in a different perspective. Not focused only to the Christian point of view.
If Adam and Eve were real, that means that we are their sons and daughters. Incest is actually a sin right? Why would God allow Adam and Eve to do sexual intercourse? This is the first point that I think this story is a myth.
Second thing, if they were real, why is there races in the world. If we are their sons and daughters, why don’t we look similar? And if we are actually a looooong distance sibling (is that word exist? Ha-ha) why don’t we have the similar thinking thingy just like people who is born from a same womb.
There’s a lot of question already. “The Bible is conclusive. If you believe the Bible you must recognize that Adam and Eve were the first human beings and that they gave birth to the first human babies simply because the Bible clearly and emphatically teaches it. Evolutionists and others who deny parts of the Bible say that Adam was not a real person but simply represents mankind. But Ge. 5:5 says that Adam lived 930 years and then Adam died! If Adam only represented mankind, what happened to mankind after Adam died?” (
I think that is somewhat a good article, I personally believe that the Darwin’s theory is correct. People do evolve. But don’t get that point wrong, my personal thoughts don’t say that we evolve from monkey. We evolve from the some homo-blahblah thing which was the imperfect human to the quite perfect human. Maybe were not the perfect one yet, we evolve. :D
My point is that, maybe Adam and Eve was only a myth to tell us humans that God is very strong and can do all things in a single click. Adam symbolizes that God that is a super-duper perfect being wants to create and raise Adam which is a homo-blahblah (imperfect human). God also gives Adam a partner, Eve. However, I still don’t think Adam and Eve story is a true story, only a symbolization made by the Old Testament people to tell how great our God is. I’m a Catholic (I don’t offend God) and I’m only telling this based on my imperfect logic. No offense though.
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